America endured a tumultuous four years of amplified social injustice, the COVID-19 pandemic, and many unemployed citizens, there is no question about the mess that needs improvement. On Jan 21, President Joe Biden began to discuss his 100-day plan for the country. He made it apparent to start signing executive actions on several issues: economic crisis, climate crisis, racial equity, and more. “There’s no time to start like today. I’m going to start by keeping the promises I made to the American people,” Biden said. He began with the executive order of COVID-19, which emphasized mandatory masks and social distancing. By April 30th, Biden’s Administration plans to have about 100 million Americans vaccinated. At this point, Biden also plans to safetely open most elementary and middle schools, according to TIME Magazine. There has been a constant debate on whether the country should go into lockdown again or continue to keep establishments open throughout the pandemic. Biden also emphasized the executive order to support underserved communities regarding equity, healthcare, and more. During Biden’s Presidential Campain, he advocated for “Black America,” which speaks on economic support for Black businesses and the communities surrounding them. This plan also includes criminal justice reform and homeownership, according to NPR. Although Biden voices concern for the Black community, they remain hesitant if Biden will follow through. With the last four years, trust is out the window until there is action. The Black community wants Biden to also impact the hateful rhetoric that Trump boosted around the Black Lives Matter Movement and other BIPOC advocacies, according to CBS 58 News. The move toward racial equity is not just about placing people of color in leading positions and platforms. It is about creating a healthy space where people of color are not only accepted but invested in their overall wellbeing. Appointing people of color in leadership positions is a step in the right direction, but that should have been happening years ago. With the dangerous storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, the Black community grew more concerned about the obvious self-restraint police had during the insurrection, but lack thereof during peaceful BLM protests. Some of the Black community calls for defunding the police due to the high rates of police brutality and power hunger. Two diseases exist within this country: the Coronavirus and racism. It’s up to the Biden Administration to address the pandemic and how it is affecting the Black community at alarming rates. Although Biden is pushing to make change, there is worry that some Republican lawmakers will nothave his back with the planned $1.9 trillion relief package he proposed on Jan. 14, according to TIME. The Black community should be able to rely on healthcare, law enforcement, and economic security, but all have failed due to disparities. This is an especially fragile time where the country is facing a pandemic and racial tension simultaneously. Biden has a chance to listen to BIPOC communities and hear their cries that have been silenced over the past four years. The time is now or never. On the White House website under “priorities,” an except in support of racial equity says, “Our nation promises that every American has an equal chance to get ahead, yet persistent systemic racism and barriers to opportunity have denied this promise…President Biden is putting equity at the center of the agenda with a whole of government approach to embed racial justice across Federal agencies, policies, and programs.”